Windaufkommen in Zukunft eher abnehmend |
Studie veröffentlicht im Herbst 2010 im "Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy". Weil die Temperaturdifferenz zwischen Äquator und den Polen kleiner wird, verändert sich das Windaufkommen annähernd in der vierten Potenz des Temperaturanstiegs. |
How does the earth system generate and
maintain thermodynamic disequilibrium and
what does it imply for the future of the planet? |
Axel Kleidon, Biospheric Theory and Modelling Group, Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie,
Hans-Knöll-Str. 10, 07745 Jena, Germany:
"... The only sustainable way to meet the increasing needs for free
energy by human activity would seem to use human technology in such a way that it would
enhance the overall ability of the earth system to generate free energy. This was illustrated
using the two examples of ”desert greening” and the direct use of solar energy by photovoltaics
or by heat engines using direct solar radiation in deserts ..." |
Stuart Young Consulting - Studie zu Aussagen der Windradlobby und der Realität in England
Supported by John Muir Trust (Stiftung Landschaftschutz England) |
During the study period, wind generation was:
• below 20% of capacity more than half the time.
• below 10% of capacity over one third of the time.
• below 2.5% capacity for the equivalent of one day in twelve.
• below 1.25% capacity for the equivalent of just under one day a month.
The discovery that for one third of the time wind output was less than 10% of capacity, and
often significantly less than 10%, was an unexpected result of the analysis. |
European Geosciences Union:
Estimating maximum global land surface wind power extractability
and associated climatic consequences |
The availability of wind power for renewable energy
extraction is ultimately limited by how much kinetic energy
is generated by natural processes within the Earth system
and by fundamental limits of how much of the wind
power can be extracted. |
IPCC for Policy Makers |
The Working Group III Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change
Mitigation (SRREN) presents an assessment of the literature on the scientific, technological,
environmental, economic and social aspects of the contribution of six renewable energy (RE)
sources to the mitigation of climate change. |
WWF - The Energy Report 2011 |
100% Renewable Energy by 2050 |
Key World Energy Statistics 2009 |
Weltenergiestatistik der Internationalen Energie Agentur "International Energy Agency" |
Konzept Windenergie Kanton Luzern
Gesamtkonzept Windpark Entlebuch |
Die Abstände werden von den äusseren Anlageteilen gemessen (unter Berücksichtigung
der Windrichtungsnachführung, aber unabhängig von der Anlagehöhe;
vgl. Anhang 2). |