A Primer on Adverse Health Effects |
“… there was no doubt people living near the turbines suffered a range of symptoms, including abnormal heart beats, sleep disturbance, headaches,
tinnitus, nausea, visual blurring, panic attacks and general irritability.…it’s ruining
their lives – and it’s genuine…”. |
Wind turbines cause health problems |
"The review concludes that a safe buffer zone of at least 2km should exist between family dwellings and industrial wind turbines of up to 2MW installed capacity, with greater separation for a wind turbine greater than 2MW installed capacity." |
Wind Turbine Noise and Health |
Dr Christopher Hanning. BSc, MB, BS, MRCS, LRCP, FRCA, MD, April 2010 |
Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health |
living within 1.4 km of an IWT had worse sleep, were sleepier during the day, and had worse SF36 Mental Component
Scores compared to those living further than 1.4 km away. Significant dose-response relationships between PSQI, ESS,
SF36 Mental Component Score, and log-distance to the nearest IWT were identified after controlling for gender, age, and
household clustering. The adverse event reports of sleep disturbance and ill health by those living close to IWTs are
supported. |
Wind Turbines and Proximity to Homes / The Impact of Wind Turbine Noise and Health |
A review of the literature and discussion of the issues Frey / Hadden |
Wind Turbine Syndrome original
Wind Turbine Syndrome deutsch
Le Syndrome Eolien (francais)
Studie mit 10 Familien die vor, während und nach ihrem Aufenthalt in der Nähe eines Windparks gesundheitlich befragt wurden. Die Studie beweist die Existenz der Symptome wie Kopfweh, Herzrasen, Konzentrationsstörungen, Tinitus. Sehr interessant auch für das Verständnis des Gleichgewichtssystems. |
The Bruce McPherson Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise Study
Studie von Salt, Hullar "Responses of the ear to low frequency sounds, infrasound and wind turbines |
Adverse Health Effects Produced By Large Industrial Wind Turbines Confirmed. Das Wind Turbine Syndrome im Detail bestätigt. Siehe auch: Uebersichtsplan englisch / Uebersichtsplan deutsch / Vortragfolien (englisch) / Wissenschaftler ändern die konventionelle Sicht, dass "nur was man hört, krank macht" / Wie störend wirken Windräder ab wieviel DB? (Bild) Washington University School of Medicine - Departement of Otolaryingology - Gemäss den vorliegenden Daten werden sich auf dem Heitersberg 100% der Einwohner des Sennhofs über Lärm beklagen und es wäre mit Protestaktionen zu rechnen. Kritik an Salt / Pierpont |
Gesundheitsstudie der Gemeinde Ontario |
Nach dem Aufstellen der Windkraftanlagen in Ontario wurde diese Studie gestartet. Die Ergebnisse sprechen für sich. |
Survey on noise and health near wind turbines |
Studie in englischer Sprache über die gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von Windrädern in der nähe von Wohnsiedlungen. |
Lärmschutzverordnung LSV |
BAFU Grundlagen Industrielärm |
WHO Richtlinien Lärm |
Einfluss Frequenzen auf Körper |
In the paper, “Human Body Vibration Exposure and its Measurement”, G. Rasmussen looked at body vibration exposure at frequencies of 1 Hz – 20Hz. This chart details some of the findings. |
Académie nationale de médecine |
Le retentissement du fonctionnement des éoliennes
sur la santé de l'homme |
Schlaflosigkeit |
Hanning: Wind turbine noise is audible and annoying to a large proportion of residents at distances of up to 2km and, in some cases, beyond and is more audible and annoying at night. It is more annoying than equivalent traffic noise and is not fully masked by traffic noise |
EMPA Bericht Lärm WKA |
Für eine Standardturbine von 1 bis 2 MW elektrischer Leistung und eine typische Windausbeute sind
nachts ESII Planungswert-Überschreitungen für Abstände kleiner als rund 450 m zu erwarten. |
Wind turbine noise seems to affect health adversely and an independent review of evidence is needed |
Christopher D Hanning honorary consultant in sleep medicine 1, Alun Evans professor emeritus 2
(1 Sleep Disorders Service, University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicester General Hospital, Leicester LE5 4PW, UK; 2 Centre for Public Health, Queen's
University of Belfast, Institute of Clinical Science B, Belfast, UK |
Effect of low frequency noise on the echocardiographic parameter E/A ratio |
The low frequency noise monitoring and echocardiographic E/A
ratio results obtained for 213 aerospace maintenance workers indicated that the workers' hearing loss was more serious
at high frequency 4k and 6k when exposed to the low frequency noise and could be more than 40 dB. The abnormality of
echocardiographic E/A ratio was also higher than that of control group. |